It has been a few weeks since I've arrived in place where the hot weather never ends and the only scenery to be found is grass. I have been uninhibited in my plans, because I have almost no schoolwork to destroy my time with. I suspect my professors think we all have the intelligence of small rats, for the only work we seem to have requires about as much brainpower as running on a wheel. I prefer it that way. It gives me all the more time to plot.
I thought it would be fun to poison the food in the cafeteria and make it completely inedible, but it seems someone beat me to the punch. I am fairly certain that it is mostly synthesized from plastic and dull food coloring. I couldn't have done it better myself.
Still, this charade of being a normal citizen is wearying, and I enjoy my brief respite during the weekends, when I can head over to a certain apartment which is the base of my operations. This life is not taxing to me morally, mentally, or physically, but it can be a bit trying socially. Not many people here share my love for destroying everything. It is a shame. But I guess taking over the world is usually an endeavor carried out by one who has no one else to burden himself with.