Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Midnight Dancers

So, I just got the fourth book in the fairy tale series by Regina Doman (more info at Basically, they're all modern retellings of fairy tales. The first one, The Shadow of the Bear, is a retelling of Snow White and Rose Red, which almost no one escept me has ever read :P
The second one, Black as Night, is a retelling of Snow White, and the third, Waking Rose, is a reltelling of Sleeping Beauty.
All these books are about the same people. The first three are about Rose and Blanche Briar, who live in New York with their mom, and the fourth, a retelling of the twelve dancing princesses, is about Rose's friend from college, whose name is Paul. These are awesome books, I highly recommend them, especially if you like fairy tales. They're also Catholic, which is awesome. Anyways, so yesterday I started and finished the fourth one. There's a summary on the website I linked before, so I won't bother explaining it, but it's really awesome! :3

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