Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Shooting Star Miracle.

Yesterday, I was sitting with John on the roof (you can get there by climbing out his window) and John was smoking a cigar. We talked about falling stars. John told me he's seen lots at college (he goes to Benedictine in Kansas, so it's like, out in the country.) but, as he said, you never see them in the city. There were about 20 stars out in the middle of Saint Paul, at around 11:30 yesterday. Well, I started thinking about this book I'm reading called Captivating, and it talked about how God shows his love for us through beautiful sunsets, starry nights, and other beautiful works of nature. For example, one of the writers of the book was sitting on the beach near the sea, with no one else around, and a huge whale came impossibly close and spouted a huge spray of water from his blowhole. He knew that it was a sign from God just to him, because no one else saw it. His wife was sitting by herself by the sea one day, and she asked God to send her a whale. He didn't send her a whale, but as she was walking along the beach she saw a brightly colored starfish. As she rounded a corner, she saw the ground completely covered with all sorts of delicate starfish, and she knew that that was God's gift to her. So, right then and there, up on the roof, I asked him to show me how much he loved me. I suggested maybe sending a shooting star, since I'd never seen one. Five minutes later, I looked at the sky and and said, "Look!" A gigantic star came shooting right over us, bigger than any John had seen in the country (the star itself was a little smaller than a dime, plus it had a super long tail) and one of the longest shooting stars he'd seen (most last less than a second, but this one was 2-3 seconds long.) It was breathtaking. It was a miracle.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Life is like a River.

Well...I have said I'm a terrible poet, but now I realize it's because I'm more of a story writer. When I'm drifting off to sleep, I always think of stories, making them up as I go, and when I have a dream, when I wake up, I always imagine the rest of it. Well, yesterday, Rachael gave me the idea of life is like a river, and in less than five minutes, I wrote this. (I didn't edit it at all, just so you know)
Life is a river, with all its twists and turns, and we are all little tiny leaves, lost in the current, swept away by rapids till we can calmly float through still waters again. And, though the current tries and tries again the push us under, we manage to stay adrift. We are held up by a stray twig or log until we reach safety. There is no knowing where the river ends, or where it meets the sea, but once we're there we'll know that our whole lives were about getting there--to the vast ocean where we belong. And although a few of us may be washed ashore by the relentless waves of the river, we all hope and pray that we'll make it through, that we'll reach the ocean.

Then I decided I didn't like the imagery, so I tried again:

Life is a river, with all its twists and turns, and we are all lost in the current, swept away by rapids till we can calmly float through still waters again. And though, along the way, dirt ad leaves clog the water, trying to bring us down, we manage to stay adrift, and the waves wash us along to safety. There is no knowing where the river ends, or where it meets the sea, but once we're there, we'll know that our whole lives were about getting there--to the vast ocean where we belong. And although a few of us may be washed ashore, dragged down by dirt and debris, we all hope and pray that we'll make it through, that we'll reach the ocean.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


ok. I'm mad. apparently, Dr. J has decided that Chamber singers is only for 12th grade. As soon as school starts again, I'm so going to talk to him about that. I mean, I've waited since before 7th grade to finally be in a choir where everyone can actually carry a tune, because in choirs you don't try out for, there's always one or two people that can't, and they make the whole choir sound like crap. If he limits Chamber singers to 12th grade, then pretty much whoever wants to can get in. And there goes Mary's hope of someday getting into a good choir....
Joe says that he probly won't keep it that way, since a lot of people will be mad, he also says that since I'm a good singer (relatively, you know. And, I mean, I can carry a tune cuz I'm a Rumpza)
and I don't get into trouble all the time, Dr. J will like me, and, thus, I can tell him that I hate his idea and he might listen. *sigh* Well, maybe I can still be in a musical someday.

A buncha random things! Yay!

So, I just finished the book Thr3e by Ted Dekker. It was really...weird. I mean, it's like this guy being threatened by this killer to confess his sins, and at the end it turns out it's all one person who was multiple personalities. Of course, I don't think it's much weirder than some of Ted Dekker's other books. Showdown was by far the weirdest, I think. I didn't really like it.(oh, and since Lisa and Nathan are moving, they apparently had it, so I now own a copy of the one Ted Dekker book I'm least likely to read again)
So there, Stephanie (Bowar). I've officially read every single Ted Dekker book that he has not co-written with Frank Peretti and whoever else.And you stil need to read the Circle Trilogy.
Also, Stephanie (Rumpza this time) put the movie Stardust on our Netflix, cuz she wanted me to watch it, and that is a very good movie, even if Yvaine was played by the same person who starred in that really dumb math movie I watched with Steph called proof. (Steph watched it simply because it was filmed on the U of C campus, and she'd just graduated and wanted to see i it again, because she'd seen it on orientation on her first year of U of C.)
Word of advice from Mary: Never watch it. It was SO dumb. and the ending was stupid too. Plus, it was about Math, and, if you didn't know already, I HATE math.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight!!!!

yay!!! I saw it today!!! And man, Joker is soooo creepy! Heath Ledger did an AMAZING job! His goal was basically to make everyone kill each other. And the magic trick at the beginning was awesome. He walked into a room full of people, and they said something like, "Why should we hire you?" and then he said, "How about a magic trick? I'm going to make this pencil disappear." He slammed a pencil into the table so that it was upright, and then he took the nearest guy and slammed his face into the pencil, and said, "Ta Da!" So It was a super cool movie, but it was also depressing. And they used a different actress to play Rachel Dawes! That really made me mad. It was the girl from Stranger Than Fiction (good movie, even if it does have Will Ferrel in it) I liked the old Rachel better :(
And Scarecrow was there at the start, but thankfully he wasn't in the rest of the movie (he's so ugly, it really annoys me. His cheekbones stick out and his eyes are really creepy) It also really annoyed me how the joker kept licking his lips. It was really creepy.
Overall, I would say it was a good movie. It was a little too depressing, but "The night is darkest just before the dawn."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Interesting experience for Mer-Mer today.

Well, it was really hot today. As usual, I didn't really drink anything. At 5:00, I went to church. When we got there, I felt really weak for a second, but the feeling passed, so I didn't really care. At the end of Mass, we said a prayer. In the middle, I started to feel out of breath. I thought it was my imagination, so I tried to take a few deep breaths. When we stood up for the end, My vision clouded and I saw mostly black, and I felt really dizzy. I covered my eyes and sat down. I think I dreampt, but I can't remember what it was about. When I woke up, I couldn't remember what happened for a second. My mom was asking me if I was okay, and someone else went to get me some water. Barely any time had passed. I suddenly remembered what happened. Then, I drank some water and went home. It was only the second time I've ever fainted in my life. The first time was when I was in first grade, I cut my thumb with a scissors, and I went to the nurses office. I basically walked in, then woke up on the floor with the principal standing over me. I must've fainted because of the blood or something.

Monday, July 14, 2008

11 things you (maybe) didn't know about Mary

1. In a smiling contest (whoever smiles first loses), I will almost always lose.
2. My favorite types of movies are romance, comedy, and action.
3. I am not completely obsessed with LotR, and neither is my sister Stephanie (she's really more obsessed with philosophy, especially Jean Luc Marion, who teaches at U of C sometimes. She's dropped the Lord of the Rings phase mostly)
4. I am absolutely obsessed with The Office, anime (BLEACH!), and computer!
5. I almost never play WoW, ad I'll probably cancel my account until the Wrath of the Lich King comes out (that's the new expansion pack)
6. If you give me too much sugar, I will turn into my sister Lisa (meaning, I will be extremely hyper)
7. I love music, and I want to write a song but , as of yet, I have no lyrics (and I'm a terrible poet)
8. I get all A's with not very much effort, and I have zero motivation. Also, I can memorize things super easily.
9. I love dressing up.
10. When I was little (less than 5) I wanted to be a mom when I grew up (still do, actually :P)
11. since I was born on 11/11/93, 11 is my favorite number :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is the glass half empty? Or half full?

You know, everyone always thinks I'm a pessimist who hates everything. Maybe I'm just morbid. The way I see it, the glass is half empty and half full. I don't really care which, but I usually say the glass is half full. Although, I really want this one mug I saw called The Pessimist's mug that has a mark halfway and says, "This Glass is now half empty"
Anyways, just to prove I don't hate everything, I shall list some things I like...
Mary likes:
root beer (especially on tap)
the wind (favorite element)
SINGING! (I think I'd die without it)
watching movies
playing board games
being with my whole family
being around John and Joe
teasing Steph about Ian Skemp (I'll tell you about that one later....)
the office
ice cream
God <---so obvious I forgot
my friends
giving people gifts
getting gifts
cute clothes
the internet
cherry trees
most things Japanese
my drawing tablet
my iPod video
christmas carols (we always sing them as a family)
Soul Calibur 3
making Music videos
Tea garden/bubble tea
the library
awesomely nerdy stuff
Awesome stuff
paper lanterns
air conditioners
big warm fuzzy blankets
little kids
good jokes
Sammy, David, Grace, Maeve, Brennan, Shaun (kids my mom watches)
Tillie Page
Buca di Beppo
Teddy Bears
Polar Bears
My Pikachu sweatshirt
nice cars
Jazz (from Transformers)
swing dancing
wine coolers
irish cream cake
You've Got Mail
Meets the Robinsons
books by Ted Dekker
books by Regina Doman
books by Shannon Hale
veggie tales
The Simpsons
The Onion News Network
And many more I can't think of off the top of my head....

the devil
talking to old people
preppy girls
dumb jokes
innappropriate humor
people asking too many questions
people in my family hearing me singing.
Harry Potter (except for Frannie's dad. he's cool.)
Nicholas Cage
Britney Spears
Hannah Montana
High School Musical
when people dislike me
being left out
immature kids
and some more I can't think of I'm sure...

wow. A lot more likes than dislikes. Gonna call me a pessimist now? huh? Yeah, I didn't think so....

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I went to see Wall-E yesterday for the fourth of July. it was good, but don't believe anyone when they tell you it's the best Pixar movie so far. It didn't even come close to the Incredibles, amd it wasn't funny. At all. But it was very cute.
Also, at about 11:00 PM, Joe, Peter, and I decided to set off Joe's firework that he got a really long time ago, so we did. Then we felt really bad for the neighbors, because it was way too loud. oh well. Viva la shorta posta!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

More about Meh.

I am very strange. I almost have a split personality. At home, I'm a quiet, blah sort of person, but when I'm with someone like Iris, Rachael, or Lisa, someone really energetic, I'm a lot more talkative (this is also true with just my friends in general) Contrary (Please...nobody start asking me how my garden grows....) to my personality, I am a hopeless romantic. I love chick flicks and cheesy songs (my favorites are always the sad ones). I Love anime, especially anime with romance in them! Bleach, for example, is the best anime ever. It has tons of action and an awesome plot, though some people find it confusing, I don't. Basically it's about a guy named Ichigo Kurosaki who meets a death god (shinigami. What they basically do is kill the evil spirits, or hollows, and send the good spirits to soul society. Ichigo is able to see ghosts and shinigami.)
and, when a hollow attacks his house, this shinigami, Rukia Kuchiki, attempts to kill it, but Ichigo gets in the way, and Rukia is badly wounded. She gives Ichigo her shinigami powers so that he can save his family, but unfortunately, this is a terrible crime for a shinigami. She is sentenced to death in Soul Society, and so Ichigo and some friends (Orihime Inoue, Sado (Chad) Yasutora, and Uryuu Ishida) go to rescue her. They succeed, but then find out that Aizen, a very powerful shinigami, has betrayed Soul Society and plans to launch an attack. After they get back to earth, Orihime Inoue is kidnapped by Aizen, and given one day to say goodbye to one person. At the beginning of Bleach, Orihime is a very happy-go-lucky type of person, but later on reveals she may have feelings for Ichigo and has a more in depth character. Anyways, Orihime chooses to say goodbye to Ichigo, although he was asleep when she said goodbye. And it was then that she told him she loved him.(he was still sleeping)
Once Ichigo found out she was missing, he went to get her back with Sado and Uryuu, and Rukia and another shinigami, Renji, joined them. So yes...that's where the storyline is currently. But Bleach is awesome because it has a good plot, good character developement, romance (yay!) and action. So..this post ended up being less about me and more about my favorite anime, but who cares?