Monday, July 28, 2008

Life is like a River.

Well...I have said I'm a terrible poet, but now I realize it's because I'm more of a story writer. When I'm drifting off to sleep, I always think of stories, making them up as I go, and when I have a dream, when I wake up, I always imagine the rest of it. Well, yesterday, Rachael gave me the idea of life is like a river, and in less than five minutes, I wrote this. (I didn't edit it at all, just so you know)
Life is a river, with all its twists and turns, and we are all little tiny leaves, lost in the current, swept away by rapids till we can calmly float through still waters again. And, though the current tries and tries again the push us under, we manage to stay adrift. We are held up by a stray twig or log until we reach safety. There is no knowing where the river ends, or where it meets the sea, but once we're there we'll know that our whole lives were about getting there--to the vast ocean where we belong. And although a few of us may be washed ashore by the relentless waves of the river, we all hope and pray that we'll make it through, that we'll reach the ocean.

Then I decided I didn't like the imagery, so I tried again:

Life is a river, with all its twists and turns, and we are all lost in the current, swept away by rapids till we can calmly float through still waters again. And though, along the way, dirt ad leaves clog the water, trying to bring us down, we manage to stay adrift, and the waves wash us along to safety. There is no knowing where the river ends, or where it meets the sea, but once we're there, we'll know that our whole lives were about getting there--to the vast ocean where we belong. And although a few of us may be washed ashore, dragged down by dirt and debris, we all hope and pray that we'll make it through, that we'll reach the ocean.


Stephanie said...

And you say you're not a good poet.
Pretty great if you ask me.

Mary said...

That was not a poem.