I'm sorry, blog, but nothing's really been going on. I mean, school's started, but most of my classes are just boring.....
Thus I shall do a few movie reviews of recent Netflix/Blockbusters I have seen:
Princess Mononoke: Overall, pretty good. I don't see why some people think it's te best movie ever, but whatever. Totoro can't be beaten, sorry.
The Devil Wears Prada- I finally saw it. It was pretty good. All the time I was watching it I kept thinking of Michael going "Coat!" and "Steaaaaakkkk! I need Steeeeaaaaaakkk!"
The Transporter: We got this one from blockbuster because it was a Blu-Ray, and John just got a PS3. It was okay, I guess. The bad guy looked a lot like my cousin Aaron....
Porco Rosso- It was okay, but I didn't like the ending, and why didn't they ever tell you how he became a pig? Other than that, just the fact that it was about an Italian pig who flies an airplane made it pretty sweet. The ending was really really disappointing though. (don't take it from me, though, because I used to think the ending of Castaway was dumb cuz you never got to see what was in the package...)
so...yes. Boring movie reviews by Mary. Joy.
it's funny in the english of porco rosso, the girl who is playing Gina was dubbing the japanese into english playing an italian who sings french.
Mary I found your blog so now you can't say bad things about me! Muahahah!
nooooo! how did you find it?
I can not read it if you want. I just was curious what I would find if I google searched my name. And the first match was some random amazon review, the fourth match was me singing in elvish, and somewhere else on your page was your blog. Do you want me to pretend I didn't find it?
no, it's fine. I just don't want someone like..dad...reading it xD
Yeah, I wouldn't tell Dad, sillypants. I wasn't really planning on telling anyone.
BTW my word recognition field wants me to type in wwdefc.
That's a kind of specific motto... I mean... "Who would defeat extra ferocious cannibals?" doesn't really have a universal, easy answer...
by the way, both of us answer the same question on our blogger profile. seriously, who do these people think they are? A ..Bard...is...not..an...archer! unless he's from the Hobbit
heh..silly pants.
I love Porco Rosso's ending. Do you really need to be told that Porco ended up with Gina? The way I see it, there was no good way to include that (as well as Porco's supposed transformation back into a human) with the amount of finesse that the film had shown up until that point. If they had said "oh, he turned back into a human and married Gina" it would have felt forced. The way it is, it gently suggests that that happened, rather than outright revealing it, which is a lot more charming, IMHO.
As far as how he became a pig in the first place. He lost faith in humanity b/c of WWI, and decided to stop being human. Any more explanation than that and it would risk becoming a sci-fi film. Besides, the very fact that this is possible sets the stage for a lyrical, lighthearted adventure film. Porco Rosso is probably my favorite Miyazaki.
Oh, that makes sense, then. Mostly I was just wondering why he was a pig :P
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