Friday, October 3, 2008

Ode to Grammar

'Twas noon and all the scrumptious loaves
Were eaten, not a crumb to save,
We went up to the grammar cove
In a great big 8th grade wave

"Beware Lit/Comp, though it is fun,
And mistakes that you must catch
Remember your gerunds, be sure to run
From games of mix and match!"

We took our grammar swords in hand,
Long time our fearsome foes we fought
Then rested we in our little band,
And chatted quite a lot

And is we sat in the neighborhood,
The grammar king, who has no name,
Came running as fast as he could,
His grammar sword aflame

1-2-1-2 and through and through,
Our grammar swords went snicker-snack
We left him, blue, defeated, too
And triumphantly went back

"The grammar king is gone? Well, Hey!
We're free of grammar, boy, oh boy!
Oh frabjous day, calloh callay!"
We chortled in our joy

'Twas noon and all the scrumptious loaves
Were eaten, not a crumb to save,
We went up to the grammar cove
In a great big 8th grade wave

This is sort of hard to get if you don't know about my 8th grade lit/comp class. I wrote this spin-off poem for Mrs. Bassett, and, in case you didn't notice, it's just like the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carrol. The "Grammar king", by the way, is Mr. Baulsbaugh. (if I'm spelling that right)


Stephanie said...

LOL!! That was totally awesome Mary!! Also, why do you want to kill Mr. B?

Mary said...

He didn't Die...
I specifically made it so he wouldn't die...
We only defeated him.

Melisa said...

haha!! you better show mrs bassett that!

Mary said...

I already did. And she showed it to the grammar king.