Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Birthday

Happy Veteran's Day/Martin of Tours Feast Day/only day of the year with four of the same digits/End of WWI/signing of mayflower compact/Henry Wade and Abigail Adam's Birthdays (pins!)/MY Birthday!
Yup. The world revolves around my birthday. well, for presents today I got a certificate for one free swimsuit from Diviine Modestee, an awesome card from Frannie, and a book by Anthony, dedicated to me, listing a bunch of saint's names,. I love that kid. My birthday was pretty awesome this year, I guess.


Frannie said...

you guess? YOU GUESS!??

Mary said...

sorry. It WAS awesome. As awesome as Adam Monroe. Which is pretty awesome. Only my birthday doesn't have a british accent.

Frannie said...

mhm, can you say "obsessed much?"

Mary said...

Yes, as a matter of fact, I can. Carp.

Frannie said...

That's your new nickname Carp.

Anonymous said...

I wanna see the card Fran made.

Mary said...

it was basically some heroes pictures combined with inside jokes. :P