I have zero motivation. So it's pretty surprising that I've kept this up this long. Last summer, I said, "I'm gonna learn hiragana this summer! (hiragana is part of the japanese alphabet). Well, I started learning it.....
But after I learned the first five lines (Japanese cpnsonants are always paired with vowels, so hiragana starts off with A, I, U, E, O, then Ka, Ki, Ku, Ke, Ko, then Sa, Shi, Su, Se, So....etc)
then I quit. I didn't want to quit, I just never got around to learning the rest. Yes, Mary is lazy and completely unmotivated. The only thing that motivates me is a sense of duty. I have to clean my room and do my chore and do my homework, so I do it, even if it is somewhat sloppy. So, I told myself again "This summer I WILL learn hiragana." I wonder if I ever actually will......I hope so, but you never know...
Also, I'm going to take voice lessons. It would be awesome if I could take them from Dr. J (he's world class, so it's not like I could find anyone better) but he lives far away. I've heard he teaches at Trinity though. Is this true??? If so, then I really want to take lessons from him. But if he doesn't, I'm taking lessons from a Trinity graduate, who also taught Iris violin, and who judged the Bach competition this year. I've never taken voice lessons in my life, so it will be interesting. Sometimes, I wonder how a person knows when their voice has changed. Because I know that it's bad for your voice to use vibrato when it hasn't changed yet...
Sometimes, when I sing, I notice a little vibrato, and then I worry if it's bad, or if my voice has already changed? My brother says my voice has probably already changed, because girls mature faster than boys, and boys' voices change in 9th or 10th grade....
I dunno...
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