Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Kids are the cutest things ever. Since I haven't given much background about myself, I will start now. First of all, I have 7 brothers and sisters (8 if you count Nathan):
Nathan Alan (24): Technically, he's not really my brother, he's my brother-in-law, but whatever. I don't know that much about him. He's got dark hair and a beard and blue eyes. He's about a foot taller than Lisa, and he's pretty funny.
Elizabeth Anne (Lisa for short) (24): Really hyper and crazy. She has brown straight hair and brown eyes. She's always coming over and saying, "Hey, Mary! Let's go do something!!!! So you wanna come read while I sew!!!!" and other stuff like that.
Stephanie Louise (Steph) (22): Dark hair and brown eyes, Steph is a nerd. She goes to the University of Chicago. She is obsessed with the Lord of the Rings (not as much as she used to be).
John Michael (20): Light brown hair, blue eyes, remnant of a goatee. He is very funny, especially paired with Joe. He also makes songs and beats.

Joseph Mark (Joe) (16): Brown hair, brown eyes, super funny, although he's shy at school. Joe's awesome :)

Peter Dominic (12): brown eyes, brown hair, ADHD. He can be really annoying, but also funny.

Thomas Clyde (Tommy) (9): blond hair, blue eyes, loves football.

Anthony James (AJ) (6): The amazing kid! This kid can do DDR on Heavy mode, plus, he is super smart and good at sports. When he was 1 1/2 he knocked Lisa over. I taught him how to do multiplication just by telling him what it was, and he can also solve the problem x+-5=-8

My mom does Day Care, and these are the little kids she watches:

Grace Green: I think shes about 3. She has long light brown hair and huge brown eyes. She is soooo cute! sometimes, when she's in a good mood, I'll come home and she'll just say, "Mary!" and run up and hug me.

Sammy Spanier: ok, he's about 2. Blond hair and blue eyes, a little chubby. He is super energetic all the time, and is known to start jumping around and shouting, "It's a big airplane! Airplane!" everytime he hears one go overhead. He also loves cars, and whenever he sees a bus go past, he'll shout, "Bus! School Bus! City bus!!!"

David (don't know his last name): 1, I think. He has dark hair and huge dark eyes. He is super chubby, which makes him even more cute. He can't say much, but he can say "Hello." and sometimes, he's say touchdown, which sounds more like, "Taa Daa!"

Once, Grace and Sammy (his mom is from Wisconsin, i think)had an argument. Sammy said, "Go Packers!" and grace said, "No! Go Vikings!" which kept on for about a minute....
I love kids.

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