Monday, June 2, 2008

Haven't posted in a long time, so.....

Well, it's summer, nothing much is happening, which is why I haven't posted for a while. Yesterday, I watched Cloverfield for the first time. People reading this may not know this, but I LOVE chick flicks (doesn't seem to fit my personality, does it?) and romantic movies :)
But I didn't like Cloverfield. The ending was to unsatisfying. You don't even know whether they lived or not! I'm inclined to think that they did, since the camera survived, but they never tell you, and it really bothers me! Gragh!!!! For those who haven't seen Cloverfield, it's a movie from the point of view of a civilian in a city being attacked by a giant monster. It's a group of 6 people, and one guy has a camera, and he's filming as they attempt to escape, and save their friend, who is stuck in her apartment. Eventually, everyone dies of various causes except two people. Wait, actually 3, because one of them makes it out safely (at least I think so) and we don't know about the other two, which really bothers me. Another thing that really bothers me is Marlene, a grl who gets bitten by a giant spider-thing that came from the huge monster. She has a huge bite mark on her back that's all purple and gooey, and she just says, "I'm fine." If it were me, I'd be running around screaming, "I'VE BEEN BITTEN! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! IT'S PROBABLY POISONOUS!!!!" but she didn't. And then, when blood started coming out of her mouth and her eyes, she just says, "I don't feel good...." A which point someone notices she's been bitten, and they put her in a quarantine tent in which her stomach explodes. Gahh! that was so annoying. But actually, I liked the movie, it was just annoying at some parts.
So...yes...Mary's rant about Cloverfield.

I also saw Iron Man. I like that movie, it's awesome. I dunno what my favorite part was, though. *starts humming the theme song*


Rach said...

awesome! I think i might want to watch Cloverfield, but most definately Iron Man! :3

Stephanie said...
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Mary said...

Well, The last two people that you're not sure if they're alive or dead are boyfriend and girlfriend, and this guy goes right into the middle of the attack to rescue his girlfriend, who's trapped in her apartment. I mentioned that i like chick flicks because, um...that's one reason why I didn't like this movie, because you don't find out what happens to them.