Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Shooting Star Miracle.

Yesterday, I was sitting with John on the roof (you can get there by climbing out his window) and John was smoking a cigar. We talked about falling stars. John told me he's seen lots at college (he goes to Benedictine in Kansas, so it's like, out in the country.) but, as he said, you never see them in the city. There were about 20 stars out in the middle of Saint Paul, at around 11:30 yesterday. Well, I started thinking about this book I'm reading called Captivating, and it talked about how God shows his love for us through beautiful sunsets, starry nights, and other beautiful works of nature. For example, one of the writers of the book was sitting on the beach near the sea, with no one else around, and a huge whale came impossibly close and spouted a huge spray of water from his blowhole. He knew that it was a sign from God just to him, because no one else saw it. His wife was sitting by herself by the sea one day, and she asked God to send her a whale. He didn't send her a whale, but as she was walking along the beach she saw a brightly colored starfish. As she rounded a corner, she saw the ground completely covered with all sorts of delicate starfish, and she knew that that was God's gift to her. So, right then and there, up on the roof, I asked him to show me how much he loved me. I suggested maybe sending a shooting star, since I'd never seen one. Five minutes later, I looked at the sky and and said, "Look!" A gigantic star came shooting right over us, bigger than any John had seen in the country (the star itself was a little smaller than a dime, plus it had a super long tail) and one of the longest shooting stars he'd seen (most last less than a second, but this one was 2-3 seconds long.) It was breathtaking. It was a miracle.


Stephanie said...

WOW! That's so incredible, Mary! :) Glory to God!

Frannie said...

wow.In Frannie's mind : God, please send me a penguin!

Iris said...

WOW! that sounds so amazingly breathtaking :D !!, Just hearing about that blows my mind. God really just the best ways appearing to you even when its just to say, "I love you."