Saturday, July 5, 2008


I went to see Wall-E yesterday for the fourth of July. it was good, but don't believe anyone when they tell you it's the best Pixar movie so far. It didn't even come close to the Incredibles, amd it wasn't funny. At all. But it was very cute.
Also, at about 11:00 PM, Joe, Peter, and I decided to set off Joe's firework that he got a really long time ago, so we did. Then we felt really bad for the neighbors, because it was way too loud. oh well. Viva la shorta posta!


Melisa said...

You didn't like Wall-e?? I saw it on the fourth too and thought it was hilarious. My favorite robot is Moe. :)

Mary said...

I liked it, I thought it was really cute, but I didn't think it was very funny, at least, compared to the Incredibles it wasn't.

Stephanie said...

What?! Dude, I gotta agree with Melisa 110% here... it's definitely my favorite Pixar movie so far. I dunno where I'd place the Incredibles; probably a close second.