Destroying the world, one post at a time.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Well, today is "Christmas Adam" as Anthony said. (The day before Christmas is Christmas Eve, so the day after Christmas must be Christmas Adam, right?)
Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the whole year. We always eat a candlelit italian dinner with the entire family, and sing Christmas carols, and then open presents. This year I got a green shirt with a bear on it that's saying "You know...sometimes I feel pretty average.." and some navy comfy pants. I also got some really good apple tea, chocolate, a $15 iTunes gift card, and some sort of decoration composed of cardboard and tape from Anthony. Also, I got an awesome card from Lisa.(that's the picture on the right) On Christmas Day we always go over to my Grandma Rumpza's house. I got some really nice earrings from my aunt Laura, and $50 as always from Grandma. Thus ends the list of Christmas Presents.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Medly of randomness.
In other news, I watched the Bleach movie this weekend. It was really dumb. At least it had the Japanese audio on it, because I couldn't have watched it if it was that horrible english dub. But, it was pretty much like watching the Bounto fillers, only without the Bounto part. "Oh no. Someone's going to destroy Soul Society...again. Oh, wait. Ichigo has another girlfriend. Oh, wait. She's a nobody, so once she disappears, he'll forget all about her, and thus no one will ever refer to her in the anime." was dumb. The anime is way way way way way better.
Also, I (finally) watched Gladiatorfor the first time. Aside from almost falling asleep because it was late, I enjoyed it a lot, except for mr. creepy i-love-my-sister-and-i-look-like-I'm-dead, but it's not like I'm supposed to like him, anyways. (and yes, I do know what his real name is...)
I also am finally up-to-date on Heroes! Unfortunately, it is no longer super super awesome, it is only awesome, because my favorite character is dead. Stupid silly-face-ugly-man Mr. Petrelli killed Adam!!!! I literally shouted "NOOOOOOOO!" when he killed him. Basically, Mr. Petrelli only took away his powers, but, since Adam's 400 years old, and he can't heal anoymore, he turned into dust. So...yeah. At least they got in some good Adam lines before he died. Like when Hiro's trying to get Adam to tell him who stole the formula. Random question: What ever happened to the whole, "I am going to kill everyone you care about, Hiro." because he didn't seem to care anymore.
Finally, I saw Speed Racer, which is an awesome movie. The end of the Grand prix probably would have given some Japanese people seizures, though. :)
Well, next week is Thanksgiving, which is the one holiday of the year when I am NOT thankful, because I hate it. The smell of turkey makes me feel sick. The only good things about it are that we get two days off from school and John is finally coming home. YAY!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Birthday
Yup. The world revolves around my birthday. well, for presents today I got a certificate for one free swimsuit from Diviine Modestee, an awesome card from Frannie, and a book by Anthony, dedicated to me, listing a bunch of saint's names,. I love that kid. My birthday was pretty awesome this year, I guess.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Lately, I have started watching heroes, because Joe said I should, and I am a little over halfway through the terrible twos (meaning season 2 that everybody hated, but other than the ultimate stupidity produced by having Bob, Mohinder, and Matt all in the same room, it's not so bad.) I do like season two because it has Adam in it, and he is definetly my favorite character! Yay for the englishman!
I was all disappointed when Hiro leaves ancient Japan, because then Takezo Kensei is gone (I knew he wasn't dead though) But then he comes in and he's all like, "Peter, we're gonna change the future." and I said "YAY! HE'S BACK!"
My second favorite character is Hiro, cuz he's silly. Joe's favorite character is Syler, but I think he's annoying,and his eyebrows are weird, so...
My least favorite character is Mohinder Suresh, because he doesn't do anything, he doesn't have any powers, but half the show still revolves around him (and he doesn't even have a cool Indian accent) and also Bob, because he is the most horrible actor I have ever seen, Matt Parkman, because he's annoying, and Maya, because she's really whiny. Oh, also West. I hate him, too. He's really annoying (he's played by the person who plays Hunter in the Office)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Chicago: Day 2
Day 2, we went to Mitsuwa, and I had real ramen, and it had some naruto in it, which didn't really taste like anything. Then we went to the grocery section, where I got Japanese Melon pop, and waffely Ice cream treats. Then, we went to the bookstore part, and I got the book "No, David!" in Japanese, which is super awesome. Then we rented The Neverending Story from Blockbuster and watched it while eating Jimmy John's. The next day, we got up at 5:30, ran to the bus stop because it was already there, and spent another long boring trip back on Megabus. There was this movie playing in the bus about this woman whose Muslim husband wanted to visit his family in Iran, and she went with him, but he wouldn't let her go back home, and finally she escaped with her daughter. I kept thinking , "Oh hey, that part's like Blink." :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Chicago: Day 1
Pizza'a coming soon, so I gotta go. More tomorrow!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Ode to Grammar
Were eaten, not a crumb to save,
We went up to the grammar cove
In a great big 8th grade wave
"Beware Lit/Comp, though it is fun,
And mistakes that you must catch
Remember your gerunds, be sure to run
From games of mix and match!"
We took our grammar swords in hand,
Long time our fearsome foes we fought
Then rested we in our little band,
And chatted quite a lot
And is we sat in the neighborhood,
The grammar king, who has no name,
Came running as fast as he could,
His grammar sword aflame
1-2-1-2 and through and through,
Our grammar swords went snicker-snack
We left him, blue, defeated, too
And triumphantly went back
"The grammar king is gone? Well, Hey!
We're free of grammar, boy, oh boy!
Oh frabjous day, calloh callay!"
We chortled in our joy
'Twas noon and all the scrumptious loaves
Were eaten, not a crumb to save,
We went up to the grammar cove
In a great big 8th grade wave
This is sort of hard to get if you don't know about my 8th grade lit/comp class. I wrote this spin-off poem for Mrs. Bassett, and, in case you didn't notice, it's just like the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carrol. The "Grammar king", by the way, is Mr. Baulsbaugh. (if I'm spelling that right)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
If I had a billion dollars....
What Mary would do with a billion dollars?
-Send Iris through high school at Trinity, and all her siblings, too.
-Get voice lessons from Dr. J.
-Get my family out of all financial trouble.
-Get everyone in my family out of debt (especially Stephanie, so she won't have to be so stingy with money :D)
-Pay everyone in my family through college, and Nathan through Grad school.
-Buy Spore.
-Get a Mac with a terrabyte of space :)
-Give a million to Rachael, Frannie, and Iris.
-Stimulate the economy (yay!)
-Get a TV and a karaoke machine.
-Get 3 movies from netflix instead of 2.
-go into a store and buy everything there. (cuz seriously, that would be fun.)
-Get some new clothes.
-Buy a time machine, go invest in Google, come back, be trillions of dollars richer, and then buy out Microsoft and give it to Apple.
-set aside a couple million for my kids.
-give the rest to dad so he won't have to work and get all stressed.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Finally! A New Post! :O
Ms. Shmitz: She's nice, I guess, but she makes us write a lot of notes.
Ms. Pentozzi: Also nice. And she ALWAYS says, "Does that..make sense?"
Mrs. Singleton: She's also nice. And she gives us candy when we play games :D
Mrs. Berg: Okay. She sounds like Jan from The Office. I keep waiting for there to be someone in our history book named Michael. (oh, yeah. She's also nice. :) )
This concludes my extra short post, but I shall hopefully post something else after I go to the Nativity County Fair.
Song of the Day!!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Yay! more boring stuff!
Mr. Deeds:
A few random parts were funny, like the Monopoly guy, but other than that, I mean, it was Adam Sandler, so...
and Winona Ryder? go back to Little Women where you belong! gah!
and then that old guy with the pipe annoyed the crap outta me, same with That creepy guy who likes Winona, and the bad guy with the ugly beard. l Overall, a dumb movie that I will probly never watch again. And it had the dumb guy from transformers!!! "I am asking...politely..back off." you know, that guy. I hate him!!!!!!!
Life is Beautiful:
gah! I want to learn Italian! It's so pretty! I didn't really think the end was that sad, I mean, yeah, he gets shot, but it's sorta anti-climatic. like, "eh. There he goes. whatever." Joshua was so cute! I want a little boy like that someday, Italian speaking and all! xD
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I have sadly neglected this blog.
Thus I shall do a few movie reviews of recent Netflix/Blockbusters I have seen:
Princess Mononoke: Overall, pretty good. I don't see why some people think it's te best movie ever, but whatever. Totoro can't be beaten, sorry.
The Devil Wears Prada- I finally saw it. It was pretty good. All the time I was watching it I kept thinking of Michael going "Coat!" and "Steaaaaakkkk! I need Steeeeaaaaaakkk!"
The Transporter: We got this one from blockbuster because it was a Blu-Ray, and John just got a PS3. It was okay, I guess. The bad guy looked a lot like my cousin Aaron....
Porco Rosso- It was okay, but I didn't like the ending, and why didn't they ever tell you how he became a pig? Other than that, just the fact that it was about an Italian pig who flies an airplane made it pretty sweet. The ending was really really disappointing though. (don't take it from me, though, because I used to think the ending of Castaway was dumb cuz you never got to see what was in the package...)
so...yes. Boring movie reviews by Mary. Joy.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Haven't posted in a long time, so.....
Thursday, July 31, 2008
A Shooting Star Miracle.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Life is like a River.
Life is a river, with all its twists and turns, and we are all little tiny leaves, lost in the current, swept away by rapids till we can calmly float through still waters again. And, though the current tries and tries again the push us under, we manage to stay adrift. We are held up by a stray twig or log until we reach safety. There is no knowing where the river ends, or where it meets the sea, but once we're there we'll know that our whole lives were about getting there--to the vast ocean where we belong. And although a few of us may be washed ashore by the relentless waves of the river, we all hope and pray that we'll make it through, that we'll reach the ocean.
Then I decided I didn't like the imagery, so I tried again:
Life is a river, with all its twists and turns, and we are all lost in the current, swept away by rapids till we can calmly float through still waters again. And though, along the way, dirt ad leaves clog the water, trying to bring us down, we manage to stay adrift, and the waves wash us along to safety. There is no knowing where the river ends, or where it meets the sea, but once we're there, we'll know that our whole lives were about getting there--to the vast ocean where we belong. And although a few of us may be washed ashore, dragged down by dirt and debris, we all hope and pray that we'll make it through, that we'll reach the ocean.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Joe says that he probly won't keep it that way, since a lot of people will be mad, he also says that since I'm a good singer (relatively, you know. And, I mean, I can carry a tune cuz I'm a Rumpza)
and I don't get into trouble all the time, Dr. J will like me, and, thus, I can tell him that I hate his idea and he might listen. *sigh* Well, maybe I can still be in a musical someday.
A buncha random things! Yay!
So there, Stephanie (Bowar). I've officially read every single Ted Dekker book that he has not co-written with Frank Peretti and whoever else.And you stil need to read the Circle Trilogy.
Also, Stephanie (Rumpza this time) put the movie Stardust on our Netflix, cuz she wanted me to watch it, and that is a very good movie, even if Yvaine was played by the same person who starred in that really dumb math movie I watched with Steph called proof. (Steph watched it simply because it was filmed on the U of C campus, and she'd just graduated and wanted to see i it again, because she'd seen it on orientation on her first year of U of C.)
Word of advice from Mary: Never watch it. It was SO dumb. and the ending was stupid too. Plus, it was about Math, and, if you didn't know already, I HATE math.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Dark Knight!!!!
And Scarecrow was there at the start, but thankfully he wasn't in the rest of the movie (he's so ugly, it really annoys me. His cheekbones stick out and his eyes are really creepy) It also really annoyed me how the joker kept licking his lips. It was really creepy.
Overall, I would say it was a good movie. It was a little too depressing, but "The night is darkest just before the dawn."
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Interesting experience for Mer-Mer today.
Monday, July 14, 2008
11 things you (maybe) didn't know about Mary
2. My favorite types of movies are romance, comedy, and action.
3. I am not completely obsessed with LotR, and neither is my sister Stephanie (she's really more obsessed with philosophy, especially Jean Luc Marion, who teaches at U of C sometimes. She's dropped the Lord of the Rings phase mostly)
4. I am absolutely obsessed with The Office, anime (BLEACH!), and computer!
5. I almost never play WoW, ad I'll probably cancel my account until the Wrath of the Lich King comes out (that's the new expansion pack)
6. If you give me too much sugar, I will turn into my sister Lisa (meaning, I will be extremely hyper)
7. I love music, and I want to write a song but , as of yet, I have no lyrics (and I'm a terrible poet)
8. I get all A's with not very much effort, and I have zero motivation. Also, I can memorize things super easily.
9. I love dressing up.
10. When I was little (less than 5) I wanted to be a mom when I grew up (still do, actually :P)
11. since I was born on 11/11/93, 11 is my favorite number :)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Is the glass half empty? Or half full?
Anyways, just to prove I don't hate everything, I shall list some things I like...
Mary likes:
root beer (especially on tap)
the wind (favorite element)
SINGING! (I think I'd die without it)
watching movies
playing board games
being with my whole family
being around John and Joe
teasing Steph about Ian Skemp (I'll tell you about that one later....)
the office
ice cream
God <---so obvious I forgot
my friends
giving people gifts
getting gifts
cute clothes
the internet
cherry trees
most things Japanese
my drawing tablet
my iPod video
christmas carols (we always sing them as a family)
Soul Calibur 3
making Music videos
Tea garden/bubble tea
the library
awesomely nerdy stuff
Awesome stuff
paper lanterns
air conditioners
big warm fuzzy blankets
little kids
good jokes
Sammy, David, Grace, Maeve, Brennan, Shaun (kids my mom watches)
Tillie Page
Buca di Beppo
Teddy Bears
Polar Bears
My Pikachu sweatshirt
nice cars
Jazz (from Transformers)
swing dancing
wine coolers
irish cream cake
You've Got Mail
Meets the Robinsons
books by Ted Dekker
books by Regina Doman
books by Shannon Hale
veggie tales
The Simpsons
The Onion News Network
And many more I can't think of off the top of my head....
the devil
talking to old people
preppy girls
dumb jokes
innappropriate humor
people asking too many questions
people in my family hearing me singing.
Harry Potter (except for Frannie's dad. he's cool.)
Nicholas Cage
Britney Spears
Hannah Montana
High School Musical
when people dislike me
being left out
immature kids
and some more I can't think of I'm sure...
wow. A lot more likes than dislikes. Gonna call me a pessimist now? huh? Yeah, I didn't think so....
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Also, at about 11:00 PM, Joe, Peter, and I decided to set off Joe's firework that he got a really long time ago, so we did. Then we felt really bad for the neighbors, because it was way too loud. oh well. Viva la shorta posta!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
More about Meh.
and, when a hollow attacks his house, this shinigami, Rukia Kuchiki, attempts to kill it, but Ichigo gets in the way, and Rukia is badly wounded. She gives Ichigo her shinigami powers so that he can save his family, but unfortunately, this is a terrible crime for a shinigami. She is sentenced to death in Soul Society, and so Ichigo and some friends (Orihime Inoue, Sado (Chad) Yasutora, and Uryuu Ishida) go to rescue her. They succeed, but then find out that Aizen, a very powerful shinigami, has betrayed Soul Society and plans to launch an attack. After they get back to earth, Orihime Inoue is kidnapped by Aizen, and given one day to say goodbye to one person. At the beginning of Bleach, Orihime is a very happy-go-lucky type of person, but later on reveals she may have feelings for Ichigo and has a more in depth character. Anyways, Orihime chooses to say goodbye to Ichigo, although he was asleep when she said goodbye. And it was then that she told him she loved him.(he was still sleeping)
Once Ichigo found out she was missing, he went to get her back with Sado and Uryuu, and Rukia and another shinigami, Renji, joined them. So yes...that's where the storyline is currently. But Bleach is awesome because it has a good plot, good character developement, romance (yay!) and action. So..this post ended up being less about me and more about my favorite anime, but who cares?
Friday, June 27, 2008
So...yeah. I played Monopoly with John, Joe, Steph, Lisa, Tommy, and Peter. Joe and I formed an alliance and helped each other get monopolys, and when Steph left the game she gave us all her money and made us promise to end our alliance. We did, but then we made a new one 5 seconds later :)
Joe, John, Steph, Lisa, and Nathan smoked cigars, and I got to drink lots of wine coolers :D
I also learned to play poker, and I beat John, Nathan, Steph, and Joe. Stephanie, Lisa, and I went horseback riding. We got to canter right through a stream, which was really cool and it felt a lot like a movie, then my horse randomly started cantering really fast and I almost lost the reins. But yeah, it was fun. We went to lake Itasca, and I walked across the Mississippi. Anthony earned a new nickname--"The Heat"--and he beat Joe 3 times playing Ping Pong (and Joe was trying, too) The Heat has dark eyes that have a certain quality about them that make him look Mexican, so Joe and John kept making jokes about it, like if someone asked where Anthony went, Joe would say, "Oh, he went South of the Border."
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Oh yeah and Stephanie bought this awesome song nd gave it to me, too. It's a little weird, but also really cool. I think it's Russian and English, but I'm not sure. This is the first part of the song (with a Bleach Music Video!)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Midnight Dancers
The second one, Black as Night, is a retelling of Snow White, and the third, Waking Rose, is a reltelling of Sleeping Beauty.
All these books are about the same people. The first three are about Rose and Blanche Briar, who live in New York with their mom, and the fourth, a retelling of the twelve dancing princesses, is about Rose's friend from college, whose name is Paul. These are awesome books, I highly recommend them, especially if you like fairy tales. They're also Catholic, which is awesome. Anyways, so yesterday I started and finished the fourth one. There's a summary on the website I linked before, so I won't bother explaining it, but it's really awesome! :3
Monday, June 2, 2008
Haven't posted in a long time, so.....
But I didn't like Cloverfield. The ending was to unsatisfying. You don't even know whether they lived or not! I'm inclined to think that they did, since the camera survived, but they never tell you, and it really bothers me! Gragh!!!! For those who haven't seen Cloverfield, it's a movie from the point of view of a civilian in a city being attacked by a giant monster. It's a group of 6 people, and one guy has a camera, and he's filming as they attempt to escape, and save their friend, who is stuck in her apartment. Eventually, everyone dies of various causes except two people. Wait, actually 3, because one of them makes it out safely (at least I think so) and we don't know about the other two, which really bothers me. Another thing that really bothers me is Marlene, a grl who gets bitten by a giant spider-thing that came from the huge monster. She has a huge bite mark on her back that's all purple and gooey, and she just says, "I'm fine." If it were me, I'd be running around screaming, "I'VE BEEN BITTEN! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! IT'S PROBABLY POISONOUS!!!!" but she didn't. And then, when blood started coming out of her mouth and her eyes, she just says, "I don't feel good...." A which point someone notices she's been bitten, and they put her in a quarantine tent in which her stomach explodes. Gahh! that was so annoying. But actually, I liked the movie, it was just annoying at some parts.
So...yes...Mary's rant about Cloverfield.
I also saw Iron Man. I like that movie, it's awesome. I dunno what my favorite part was, though. *starts humming the theme song*
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
wow. That was an awesome oral.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Nathan Alan (24): Technically, he's not really my brother, he's my brother-in-law, but whatever. I don't know that much about him. He's got dark hair and a beard and blue eyes. He's about a foot taller than Lisa, and he's pretty funny.
Elizabeth Anne (Lisa for short) (24): Really hyper and crazy. She has brown straight hair and brown eyes. She's always coming over and saying, "Hey, Mary! Let's go do something!!!! So you wanna come read while I sew!!!!" and other stuff like that.
Stephanie Louise (Steph) (22): Dark hair and brown eyes, Steph is a nerd. She goes to the University of Chicago. She is obsessed with the Lord of the Rings (not as much as she used to be).
John Michael (20): Light brown hair, blue eyes, remnant of a goatee. He is very funny, especially paired with Joe. He also makes songs and beats.
Joseph Mark (Joe) (16): Brown hair, brown eyes, super funny, although he's shy at school. Joe's awesome :)
Peter Dominic (12): brown eyes, brown hair, ADHD. He can be really annoying, but also funny.
Thomas Clyde (Tommy) (9): blond hair, blue eyes, loves football.
Anthony James (AJ) (6): The amazing kid! This kid can do DDR on Heavy mode, plus, he is super smart and good at sports. When he was 1 1/2 he knocked Lisa over. I taught him how to do multiplication just by telling him what it was, and he can also solve the problem x+-5=-8
My mom does Day Care, and these are the little kids she watches:
Grace Green: I think shes about 3. She has long light brown hair and huge brown eyes. She is soooo cute! sometimes, when she's in a good mood, I'll come home and she'll just say, "Mary!" and run up and hug me.
Sammy Spanier: ok, he's about 2. Blond hair and blue eyes, a little chubby. He is super energetic all the time, and is known to start jumping around and shouting, "It's a big airplane! Airplane!" everytime he hears one go overhead. He also loves cars, and whenever he sees a bus go past, he'll shout, "Bus! School Bus! City bus!!!"
David (don't know his last name): 1, I think. He has dark hair and huge dark eyes. He is super chubby, which makes him even more cute. He can't say much, but he can say "Hello." and sometimes, he's say touchdown, which sounds more like, "Taa Daa!"
Once, Grace and Sammy (his mom is from Wisconsin, i think)had an argument. Sammy said, "Go Packers!" and grace said, "No! Go Vikings!" which kept on for about a minute....
I love kids.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Storms and Such
Today I went over to my Grandma's house. I was expecting it to be really boring, as most visits are, but instead, it was AMAZING! She lives out in the country, and when the storm passed through, we had the garage door open, and we looked out, and I got to see clouds being formed into funnels. They were amazing! half the clouds in the sky were going one way, the other clouds were going the opposite direction, towards them. Then the hail fell. My little brother Anthony found a golf ball sized hail. And when we got a tornado warning, all the kids went down to the basement, and I comforted the little kids who were scared. My cousin Johnny was freaking out, saying that he was scared, what if the cloud touched down, and I had to tell him at least five times that funnel clouds don't touch down that often, and that even if it did, we'd be fine. But yeah, it was the best visit to my grandma's ever. I love storms.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Carrying Crosses with Joy
I'm trying my best to remember to post once a day :)
But after I learned the first five lines (Japanese cpnsonants are always paired with vowels, so hiragana starts off with A, I, U, E, O, then Ka, Ki, Ku, Ke, Ko, then Sa, Shi, Su, Se, So....etc)
then I quit. I didn't want to quit, I just never got around to learning the rest. Yes, Mary is lazy and completely unmotivated. The only thing that motivates me is a sense of duty. I have to clean my room and do my chore and do my homework, so I do it, even if it is somewhat sloppy. So, I told myself again "This summer I WILL learn hiragana." I wonder if I ever actually will......I hope so, but you never know...
Also, I'm going to take voice lessons. It would be awesome if I could take them from Dr. J (he's world class, so it's not like I could find anyone better) but he lives far away. I've heard he teaches at Trinity though. Is this true??? If so, then I really want to take lessons from him. But if he doesn't, I'm taking lessons from a Trinity graduate, who also taught Iris violin, and who judged the Bach competition this year. I've never taken voice lessons in my life, so it will be interesting. Sometimes, I wonder how a person knows when their voice has changed. Because I know that it's bad for your voice to use vibrato when it hasn't changed yet...
Sometimes, when I sing, I notice a little vibrato, and then I worry if it's bad, or if my voice has already changed? My brother says my voice has probably already changed, because girls mature faster than boys, and boys' voices change in 9th or 10th grade....
I dunno...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
another post :O
So I started doing it too.....
Oh yes, by the way, for anyone who wonders (not that anyone actually reads this anyways, it's probably really boring) The poem I did for the cafe was Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, by Roald Dahl:
As soon as Wolf began to feel
That he would like a decent meal,
He went and knocked on Grandma's door.
When Grandma opened it, she saw
The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,
And Wolfie said, ``May I come in?''
Poor Grandmamma was terrified,
``He's going to eat me up!'' she cried.
And she was absolutely right.
He ate her up in one big bite.
But Grandmamma was small and tough,
And Wolfie wailed, ``That's not enough!
I haven't yet begun to feel
That I have had a decent meal!''
He ran around the kitchen yelping,
``I've got to have a second helping!''
Then added with a frightful leer,
``I'm therefore going to wait right here
Till Little Miss Red Riding Hood
Comes home from walking in the wood.''
He quickly put on Grandma's clothes,
(Of course he hadn't eaten those).
He dressed himself in coat and hat.
He put on shoes, and after that
He even brushed and curled his hair,
Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.
In came the little girl in red.
She stopped. She stared. And then she said,
``What great big ears you have, Grandma.''
``All the better to hear you with,'' the Wolf replied.
``What great big eyes you have, Grandma.''
said Little Red Riding Hood.
``All the better to see you with,'' the Wolf replied.
He sat there watching her and smiled.
He thought, I'm going to eat this child.
Compared with her old Grandmamma
She's going to taste like caviar.
Then Little Red Riding Hood said, ``But Grandma,
what a lovely great big furry coat you have on.''
``That's wrong!'' cried Wolf. ``Have you forgot
To tell me what BIG TEETH I've got?
Ah well, no matter what you say,
I'm going to eat you anyway.''
The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead.
A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, ``Hello, and do please note
My lovely furry wolfskin coat.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ok, two posts, same day. Probably never happening again.
Wow. That really surprised me. They wanted to be in a public school with druggies and smokers and kids who drink? Apparently, it's 'interesting' how the boys fight all the time. I was thinking to myself, "Man, if you really think public schools are better, than you're missing out majorly."
They asked me, "Oh, you have to wear uniforms? And is your school all religious and stuff." I wanted to say, "Yes we wear uniforms, and they're better than no uniforms, because Idon't have to have an anxiety attack about what I'm going to wear in the morning (not that I really would anyway, but that's really not the point) and as for religious, /i like having religion at school, whereas in public schools, you can't talk about Christianity or Catholicism, because not everyone is a Christian, and I like the 'religious' part of Trinity." but I didn't say that. I just said, "Yeah, we have to wear uniforms." I really feel sorry for public school kids. Public schools must be like...Nativity on steroids *shudders* ugh...I'd die after a week in a public school....
Thank God for Private schools :)
I can't believe I've kept talking so much, I never have anything to say! Ugh, I have an HGRA soccer game tonight. It's not that I'm not excited, I just haven't met my team, and I'm a little afraid that they'll be preppy girls. I've had bad experiences with preps at my old school. I don't blame them for not liking me, I've always been a little weird, but even now, when Iris and I go visit for a play or something, they'll say, "Hi Iris!" ... I'm not kidding, this actually happened. Maybe it was because I'm so quiet that they didn't notice me, but you never know....
so, yeah...bad experiences with preps and "popular" girls.
Well, thanks for actually reading this post, it was probably boring as the dickens :P